Low in weight and and pack size this is a bag that's warm enough for early Spring and late Autumn use at higher altitudes or Northern latitudes.
Down Codex®
The DOWN CODEX® is an animal welfare, traceability and auditing scheme to ensure that both animal welfare and quality were put at the heart of each and every one of our down products.
Helium fabrics are exceptionally light, compressible and soft. Their densely woven construction ensures the highest levels of down-proofing and wind resistance.
Down 700
Our high quality duck down has a minimum down cluster content of 90%, a minimum fill power of 700, and is DOWN CODEX approved.
A Good Night's Sleep Guaranteed
So confident are we that our sleeping bags will keep your warm and comfortable, that in addition to the EN13537/ISO23537 laboratory ratings we quote, every Mountain Equipment sleeping bag comes with a separate ‘A Good Night’s Sleep Guaranteed’ temperature rating.